As of Saturday, we finally kicked a bad bug! The week before was a looong one made of sleepless nights and raw noses from all the kleenex tissues, you are not a fan of those. I'm afraid that it took a little longer for us all to finally get better because you, Brooks, and your Daddy are just too irresistible...I can't stop hugging and kissing and holding you close. But carrying you in your sling is just all around good for us I think, even if germs may be involved when we're sick.
Whether we're out and about, or at home and I'm just trying to get things done, I've held you close in the sling and you're happy. Much of the time I'm paying attention to other things around me, but the other day I soaked in the moments of it being just us. It was so precious watching you as it sank in that we both have the same facial features. Two eyes, two ears, one pair of lips, lots of teeth, one nose..."Ava's nose. Mama's nose." Little one, you have my heart. Your Daddy and I adore you forever.