Our afternoon at Moon Park today was the best we've had in a while. I'm so glad I decided before hand that I'd get some video...because goodness, Brooks and Ava were as sweet as honey to each other, which isn't always the case. ;) From watching them share apples and gold fish crackers, to helping me draw stars with sidewalk chalk, to playing in the sand and cracking each other up, I couldn't help but feel oh-so grateful to call them mine. It's afternoons like these that make up for the grocery store tantrums, the sleepless nights, and the silliest fights over not wanting to share the silliest "toys" (kitchen utensils as of late).
The song on the video is "I Take Flight" from Mindy Gledhill's new album Pocketful of Poetry...isn't it just magic?? I can't help but hope that my children always know that even though they'll be my babies forever, I also relish in their daily moments of taking flight to learn and grow.