Early this month we were lucky enough to enjoy a gorgeous evening at Thanksgiving Point's Tulip Festival. We went two years ago, when Brooks was Ava's age. It was so fun taking a toddling little one year-old again, and a rambunctious three year old who couldn't get enough of it all up! Brooks would point out different colored "fowers and too-wips" and loved "frowing woks so high into da wadoo!" Ava loved exploring and being thrown high into the sky by her sweet Daddy. And I just loved being there with said sweet Daddy, and our two littles. A lovely pre-Mother's Day outing indeed!
Felt so, so blessed.
^^ CHEESE. ;) ^^
^^ Love my girl. ^^
^^ We may or may not have bribed him with the gum he has in his mouth to smile. Yea, that didn't work. haha ^^