Gram-mom's Weekend Visit

We have been beyond lucky to see my Mom two months in a row! This time she came for a High School Seminary Choir reunion, but she stayed a few extra days and we're so glad she did. Can you tell Brooks was more than a little excited to see Gram-mom?? ;)

Straight from the airport we enjoyed lunch and some time at the fountains at City Creek in Salt Lake...a fun but very tiring afternoon, hence Grandma falling asleep while reading Brooks a bedtime story. ;)

Saturday morning I experimented with a frittata so we could have an extra special breakfast with Grandma. :) Then we headed to the Downtown Farmer's Market in Salt Lake. Brooks fell asleep on the way there, so it made for a fun girl's afternoon with just my Mom, Ava, and me soaking up the market scene. I definitely know where I get my drive to talk strangers and make new friends, my Mama. ;) And then Brooks woke up just in time for some playground fun! We left with honey sticks and shelling peas in hand.

Monday we headed in Salt Lake again, it's a good city! First, cooling down with a Hire's Big H root beer float to share. :) Then we met up with my sweet Aunt Chandra, Uncle Conrad, and their family at Liberty Park. Such a beautiful evening with some of my favorite people on the planet.  

Tuesday we packed up the kids and went down to Provo to visit lovely Great-Grandma Smith. We went to BYU's Dinosaur Museum. It is as awesome as it is tiny. :) But they packed it full of incredible fossils and displays, and it was free! We'll definitely be back, Brooks loved it! Then we picked up some icecream from the store to enjoy at Grandma's house. Watching Ava dance in the kitchen was magic. And then we explored Grandma's garden. I remember making family trips to Utah when I was little, and enjoying delicious fruits and vegetables Grandma and Grandpa grew in their garden. Loved watching Brooks and Ava soak it all up...even a few of her oh-so sweet strawberries.

As always, we were sad to say goodbye! We loved your visit Gram-Mom!! xo