Sakura Bloom Sling Diaries Vol. IV: Confidence

Dear Ava,

"No woman is a more vibrant instrument in the hands of the Lord than a woman of God who is thrilled to be who she is." --Sheri Dew

Thinking back over different stages of my life...I can remember times when I wasn't "thrilled" to be who I was. My confidence was fragile--whether I was struggling with my physical appearance, not believing in my ability to accomplish my goals or try new things, or not having confidence in my spirit being able to get through hard times. I hope you come to know Ava, before I really did, that being confident in your own skin and your body's abilities is awesome, but it's not everything. That no matter how many times you try and fail, you can always always always try again! And that through different stages in life you will be stretched far beyond what you're comfortable with, but I promise that you'll learn through it all and come out stronger and more confident if you remember that you're not alone.

As your mom, I am with you and your sweet brother all the time, and yet I can feel so lonely at times. Honestly, motherhood has thrown more blows at my confidence in myself than I'd like to admit. But Ava, your unconditional love for me--your trust and your forgiving, little heart--is what always builds it back up. You and your brother are daily evidences that I can have an impact on the world. Takes me breath away just thinking about it!

You'll be two this March, and you're already miss long as you feel comfortable in your surroundings. ;) When we're out and about, you are passionate about either being worn in your sling or walking and exploring all by yourself. I appreciate both! Aves, I think that wearing you from the start has been a beautiful way to instill in you a comfort and confidence that you are loved, which has helped you feel good about venturing out and trying things on your own. I'll wear you as often as you'll let me. Seeing the world from similar points of view never loses its magic. It sure added to the magic we experienced at the Ice Castles in Midway this past weekend!

And back to the quote I shared with you at the beginning...I am thrilled to be your mom Ava. I am thrilled to be your sweet Daddy's wife. I am thrilled to be a sister and a friend and a woman of God who makes mistakes but tries to learn from them. And I am thrilled to be able to watch you become an instrument in His hands. I love you Ava, always. 


** I'm wearing Ava in a Simple Linen Sakura Bloom sling, in silver. Thanks to my sweet Adam for taking these pictures. :)

Guest Post: You are "sew" loved! (DIY Valentines)

Valentine's Day is coming up! And I'm excited to share the valentines we made this year. The details (including the printables!) are on a guest post over at Sweet Little Peanut--a charming blog filled with all sorts of lovely things for you mamas and your little peanuts too. You can make these "You are 'sew' loved!" valentines with your kids at home, at school, at a Valentine's party, or the like! Brooks loved sewing, or "loop-de-looping" as he would say, and I hope you and your little peanuts do too. xo  

If you want to see our Valentines from the last few years:

A Good Day for Sledding

New Years Day we decided to start the year out right--got outside to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy a day of sledding! It was a beautiful day. The snow was super packed-down and not prime for sledding, but we made the best of it! Winter sure is beautiful here in Utah.

Valentine's Shoot with Sweet Memory Garden Photography

Angie of Sweet Memory Garden Photography is such a talented and sweet woman! She photographed our wedding almost 6 years ago, and I love that she was able to capture some sweet moments of Brooks and I together for Valentine's Day coming up. :) Some of them made me smile, some made me melt...and some (at the end of the post) made me laugh! She was so great to work with! Fun, flexible, patient, and quick--all needed when photographing kids, especially an energetic and stubborn one like Brooks. ;) She's having Valentine's Mini Sessions at her charming studio this Saturday! Book your spot by email ( or phone (801-910-9488)! xoxo

And because the ones below made Adam and I laugh so hard....ahahaha!
Can't resist some crazy outtakes. ;)

Elsa's Castle

After finally seeing 'Frozen' last week (well, Adam and the kids had seen it, but it was my first time) and falling in love with the story and music, going to the Ice Castles in Midway was a perfect follow-up adventure! Felt like we were visiting Elsa's castle. :) We had been a few years ago, and it was even better than we remembered. So fun to have experienced it at night time, all a-glow, and then in the day. The kids had their sassy pants on and needed to take a break to warm up (and cool down if you know what I mean) in the car, then we went back in, ready to explore! Loved walking though icy blue tunnels, a gorgeous courtyard of white, and even finding Olaf!! Such a fun winter wonderland. :) 

^^ We saw Olaf!! ^^
^^ Brooks was sad to go, he would've camped out there if we let him! ;) ^^