ABC Picture Project

So glad I saw @corina_sorensen's ABC project on instagram! I followed her lead! Just made the letter/frames kind of clear, using one of my favorite photo editing apps Afterlight. It was fun taking most of the photos along the way, and grabbing a few from the recent past that worked perfectly with certain letters. Now to get these into a book for the kids! I hope they like it. :) Then maybe put together a photo gallery wall, we'll see...

A is for apple crisp.
B is for balloons...and Brooks and bare buns.
C is for chocolate chips.

D is for Dad.
E is for eternal family...and evergreen trees (we started ours in the Salt Lake Temple, but the Portland Oregon Temple, surrounded by evergreen trees, has a special place in my heart. You can go here if you want to learn more about temples)

F is for family.
G is for gratitude.

H is for happy.
I is for ice cream.

J is for jump!
K is for kiss.

L is for leaves.
M is for missionaries.

N is for naps.
O is for ostrich.

P is for the pond our the beautiful Liberty Park.
Q is for quilt.

R is for reading.
S is for siblings.

T is for tea party.
U for 'Up' one of our favorite movies.

V is for vacation.
W is for walking and wearing Ava.

X is for "xoxo"...never too early to teach my prince charming to write love.
Y is for yaawwwn.

Z is for zest.