Sakura Bloom Sling Diaries Vol. IV: Dreams

Dear Ava,

"A dream is a wish your heart makes."

That quote is from a song in the Disney movie Cinderella, a movie I'm sure we'll watch together one day. The soon-to-be princess in that story lived in such sad circumstances, but she never let it break her hope, her heart, or her dreams. She was still kind to those around her and made best with what she had, and eventually lived out her dreams...all while singing happy tunes. :) The song she sings of dreams being wishes our hearts make is a simple, but incredible sentiment! Aves, your heart will drive you to take risks, love deeper, make changes, and dream big. Your heart, and my heart, is where I feel our faith lives...even when our once-burning faith--in ourselves or in those around us--is just a glowing ember after life's storms pour down on us. The dreams we have for our lives take faith and passion and dedication on our part, but the people we surround ourself with also influence how those dreams unveil themselves and eventually turn out.

I hope you surround yourself with people that lift you and encourage you to dream big! Your Dad, older brother, and I will always be some of those people. Even though you'll have hard seasons in life, and you'll walk through frigid, snow-packed trails (like our wintry walk we took last Sunday), you may feel like your dreams are frozen and they'll never see the warm sun. Sometimes we'll carry you over the ice, like your Daddy as he wore you in the sling. Or we'll hold your hand to keep you steady, like we did with you brother. And then one day I know we'll have to watch you fight for you dreams on your own. But we'll always be here for you, cheering you on as you reach for your dreams. That's a promise. I see a strong woman in you Ava, and I'm so excited to see what dreams are in that beautiful heart of yours! 


PS - Watching Dad wear you makes me melt every time! Thanks for making one of my dreams come see my love raise a daughter. He cherishes you Ava. So much.

** I am participating in the Sakura Bloom Sling Diaries, sharing thoughts and photos of our baby wearing adventures. See my other Sling Diary entries/letters to Ava here. In these photos Adam is wearing Ava in a Sakura Bloom Simple Silk sling in Bittersweet. And please excuse the poor quality of some of these pictures, I take all of my photos with my iPhone, and when I lose day light I lose quality. xo